Paramount Learning exists to inspire leaders at all levels to think bigger and develop a plan to achieve their goals! 


Aletta Price, Ph.D. is the Executive Director and a Creative Consultant at Paramount Learning. She established Paramount Learning in 2008 in an effort to provide creative and customized solutions to schools that are eager to grow.  As a former Project Manager and Field Service Specialist (in Leadership and Literacy) for Pearson Education and America’s Choice, she has been working with schools to build administrative leadership and teacher instructional capacity all over the United States since 2009. This has provided her with a wide range of experience in serving students in today’s challenging schools. She has supported school improvement, K-12, from the classroom to the district level. As a former teacher and administrator, Dr. Price has the opportunity to work in multiple states in the areas of curriculum development, instructional coaching, leadership development and overall school improvement.

Dr. Price and her husband, have also founded a non-profit called Two Birds One Joy, with the sole purpose of connecting people and their talent to helping the underserved. She is a long-time volunteer in helping the homeless in cities all over the southeast, and she is also actively working with local non-profits to raise awareness in the fight against human trafficking.

If you would like more information on how to get connected/support any of her non-profit efforts, please see the “Get In Touch” tab to connect.