Outcome-Based Strategic Planning: Leadership Support
School-level support is developed collaboratively with school leaders to target high-need areas in order to get traction school-wide. Over the course of several planning sessions, a strategic plan is created to map out areas of focus, professional development, training, and support throughout the academic year. Each session is focused on establishing a plan that is creatively customized to meet the needs of each individual school. In addition, outcomes are established in the beginning in order to monitor progress throughout.
“Aletta Price has been so important to me as a leader. I have great vision, but frequently my random and multiple thoughts do not coalesce into the concept or theme for which I am searching. Aletta, can listen to me talk for 30 minutes and conceptualize my vision. She knows when to listen, when to ask questions, and when to talk. It’s amazing working with her! ”
“Aletta Price pulls things out of me that I didn’t know existed inside. When we meet, she listens to me express my thoughts and ideas, then asks just the right questions to take my thinking and processing to another level. Her questioning causes me to consider things I hadn’t even thought of which in turn brings about greater results to our brainstorming sessions. The results of working with Aletta are exhilarating and extremely productive.”